Tuesday, September 8, 2015


well I guess I have quite a bit of time in the mission now cause i`ve officially gotten to the point where only my dear mommy writes me. SHOUT OUT to my momma for being the best! She also had a birthday this week. I will not say what age because i am not sure if she wants me to tell you people.

Anyways, this week was pretty great. This whole transfer has been pretty cool and it just flew by. Transfers are this week!

So last monday we couldn`t go to Santa cruz right? so we stayed in warnes and decided to go on a nature walk in the outskirts of warnes in a neighborhood called beljica by the river pirai. It was super fun! but when we got to the river it was all dried up! I felt like i was in the movie holes or something haha.

During the week me and my compaƱerito have been working hard and we have a tooooooon of investigators. But at the same time they all live super far from each other so it`s been kind of hard to find time for all of them and help them progress. so me and my comp talked during weekly planning how we can work a little more effectively to help them progress more and not waste time.

The branch is progressing so much! in our branch council the president was actually smiling and saying really good things about the branch! it was awesome! we all had a good time in the meeting, we laughed, and all left with specific assignments. It was awesome to see that.

So in english class this week i taught them how to pray in english. It was fun and we`re getting some more people to come. I`ve found that it`s much better to make the lesson into an activity or game or something so that they learn more and enjoy the class more. Also buying treats always helps. I feel like i`m totally prepared to be a primary teacher now haha.

So this week i had to go back to the clinic to get a rabies shot for when i got bit by that monkey and afterwards we had to go to the offices to get reembursed for some stuff. Anyways when we got there the president just looked at me and said. Seen any monkeys lately? haha i`m not sure, but i think he knows that i got bit... Haha actually because of my bite the health secretary talked in the leadership meeting about avoiding animals and all the zone leaders had to remind their missionaries to avoid animals. whoops haha!

Alrighty i think that`s gonna be it for this week. I can`t remember anything else. i keep forgetting to write stuff down haha oh well. Hope everything is good with you guys. Love you all! Keep strong and remember that when you stand with the lord you never stand alone!

Elder Buma

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