Tuesday, September 8, 2015


So me and the other missionaries from Warnes are writing you people from Warnes this week cause there`s a protest in Santa Cruz where we normally email. Oh well, hope the internet`s good.
Our electricity box thing broke this week so we had to use flashlights a couple nights to plan and couldn`t use fans in the night...it was like we were camping! Haha, but we got it fixed and it`s good now.
We`ve been having English classes the last couple weeks. They`re really fun! I like teaching English. When people don`t pay attention I throw chalk at them and say something in English that totally doesn`t make sense so they think I`m lecturing them. For example a young man from the branch wasn`t paying much attention so I threw the chalk at him and said peanut butter turtles! Hahahah! He thought I was mad! Of course I let them know I am just having fun with them. Haha. Anyways, I usually just teach from the grammar book thing that the Latino missionaries use to learn English with a couple gospel related things but at the end I always ask if they want to learn a specific phrase. Then I teach them that phrase or a funny phrase like “to infinity and beyond” or something.
In our activity on Thursday we had a lot more people come and it was super fun! We even had a girl come who we met about two weeks ago. We haven`t really been able to teach her yet though cause she`s a girl and we need a guy to accompany us to visit her. Anyways, in the activity she told us, “Guys! Guess what?! I got baptized last week! Isn`t that great?!” We were thinking uh....we didn`t baptize you. We asked where did you get baptized? In the assembly of God church. DANG IT! Hahaha, think we need to teach the restoration to her.
Sunday was super cool. We walked all over in the morning reminding investigators to come to church and pretty much everyone said that they couldn`t this week. That frustrated us so we went to church by ourselves and this random guy came up to us in the church, explained that he was from Santa Cruz, that he had friends here in Warnes, and then proceeded to introduce us to 7 investigators! Woo! they`re pretty much all for the other Warnes missionaries, but it was super cool to have that happen! Love seeing members share the gospel!
Alright I`m almost out of time but I want you all to know that I love you and that bear... beats... BattlestarGalactica.
Elder Buma

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