Saturday, January 24, 2015



Alright first thing shout out to Rachel for getting her mission call to the coolest COUNTRY ON THE FACE OF THE PLANET! Didn´t get the coolest mission, but close enough.(friend Rachel Batty was called to Santa Cruz Bolivia--Stephen is in Santa Cruz North. He had to go see the secretary of health in that mission this past week so he has been to their offices).

Alright so this week was fun. The President went to Beni and Pando with his family to talk to the missionaries there so they don´t have good cell connection so while they were away Hermana Zambrano (mission president's wife) gave me a sheet with sicknesses and what we do for each of them for when missionaries call when they´re sick cause she won´t be able to help them. Long story short, I've gotten a million phone calls in the past couple days and none of their symptoms are on my little paper! Now I know why in medical school they give you books cause it don´t all fit on just one piece of paper. It´s ok though, no one has died so i think I´m doing a pretty good job hahahaha. This is a fun job. I like it.

So investigators. That´s the one thing about this new assignment that I don´t like. I left all of my investigators in my old area and I heard yesterday that the family I was teaching The Angulo family, are getting baptized this saturday. Mom, Dad, and two kids. DANG IT! It´s ok though I was able to go to Katerine´s baptism last week which was cool. (Katerine´s a girl from my old area that i taught) so they´re all doing great back there!

Here it´s a little different story, we´re in a pretty wealthy place now where everyone just has intercoms so they don´t even come to the door. DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO CONTACT SPEAKING INTO AN INTERCOM! Not fun! But it´s ok. We´re getting more investigators.

Ana Soruco for example. She likes listening to everyone, understands the restoration and told us the other day that she believes we´re the most correct she´s ever heard. She believes it all but she has absolutely no support from the family. The rest of them do NOT like mormons so she still doesnt want to get baptized. Suggestions?

Luis Urquiza is the husband of a member and he also understands that only our church holds all the truths of the gospel but he doesn´t really care beyond that. He told us ya I think you´re right but I don´t want to leave the house alone and go to church. I believe and that´s enough. Suggestions?

Besides them we have a few menos activos that we´re teaching right now and we contacted a few people so we´ll see where that goes. This area is a looooot different that my last one but it´s really cool. Out of time! I had more stories but I really got to go. Love you!

Elder Buma

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