Monday, October 20, 2014


What a week! So full of emotions! I felt like a girl for a little while, not gonna lie. Why so full of emotions you ask? Great question. Let me tell you.

So the week started and it was really weird cause my comp was dying (Going home) in like two days so we spent a lot of time saying goodbye to people. HAHA it was so funny several times my comp said his last goodbye to investigators and it was sad and stuff and then i was just like. Hey so when can I come back to teach ya? HAHA I`m such a goober. It was weird and funny.

Anyways after that we got our transfers! And I don`t know How to say this so I`m just going to say it. I`M A PAPA! That means I`m training. When I found out that i`d be training I almost puked. Which was actually kind of a nice feeling cause i usually feel like I`m gonna diahrea but i`m getting off track. HAHA so my comp is from Honduras, he`s 23, and he knows like nothing about Preach my gospel and the scriptures and stuff. Just like me! haha so we`re learning them together. haha it is so weird thinking that he`s five years older than me. It`s weird thinking that I`m training haha...

Anyways being a trainer is stinking hard. I have to teach him literally everything from the schedule, to how to plan, to getting to know the area, just everything. I`m still learning that stuff too haha! We`re having lessons though and they`re spiritual so that`s awesome. 

Yesterday was elections so we couldn`t leave the house so we just chilled out, it was AWESOME. So much fun just talking with the other elders in the house. time passes way slower though when you`re not working so that was interesting.

Oh! There`s also this elder from argentina in our house and he is so orgulloso (this means proud)! He is pretty stinking rude to me and is super upset that I`m training. He basically called me a sinner and a bad missionary yesterday which felt pretty good haha. He is really upset that he has eight months and he`s only been the junior comp. So I told him that I didn`t choose to train, I`m just trying my best. He`s still pretty rude but we`re working it out. Oh Well. that`s really the only thing right now. He`s a great elder, just hard to get along with. I`ll work on that. Anyways so it was an eventful week. Thank you all so much for the updates! Keep them a comin. Love you all!

Elder buma

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