Hola familia y amigos! Como estan. Todo bien. Claro que si todo esta bien aya! Ustedes estan en lo mejor pais del mundo!
AMERICA! man america`s awesome right? i was just thinking about that cause every bolivian here always talks to me about america. The weird thing is that they all think that japan and china are way more advanced than america... WHAT?! don`t you dare say that china or japan is better than america! They all think that america is fighting china right now and that china is just straight cities and there`s no country or anything... they all have interesting ideas about the world and sometimes i just have to keep my proud american mouth shut and nod and agree. it`s a little difficult sometimes haha.
Anyways, it`s been a little interesting week. It`s still got it`s really fun moments but everyone in the house is really stressed cause the work is kind of slow right now, companionship issues with some of the other elders, and stress. So in the house it`s been just a bit hard. Everyone keeps saying that they`re trunky which blows. cause when everyone just keeps talking about being trunky it makes you trunky, so that wasn`t very fun. But whatever missions aren`t perfect.
OH! i ate cow stomach this week! and guess what! I totally know why no one in america eats cow stomach... cause it`s nasty junk! hahahaha. and my pensionista knew that i`d hate it too! she handed it to me and just started laughing! that evil little lady. Still love her though. I`m totally gonna come home and make panza for you people. It`s great, i promise. You`ll only want to puke a little.
So in our pensionista their kids always watch disney movies while we eat and not gonna lie, sometimes in the corner of my eye i see what`s they`re watching sometimes while i`m enjoying my cow stomach. They watched frozen this week. Man i miss that... dang. oh well.
this week me and my companion got so much food! literally everyone made us churazco which is like a barbecue basically so we almost died from too much food. that was awesome! Go BEEF.
Anyways we`re a little frustrated with investigators not keeping commitments but we`re still pushing along. Veimar already has a calling as ward missionary so he`s been accompanying us like every day haha. he looooves it. he keeps laughing and saying that two days ago he was the investigator and now he`s the missionary ahaha man he`s literally just the best guy ever. you people just got to meet him.
i can`t really think of anything else right now... dang! a bunch of other junk happened this week too but i can`t think! Hmmmm... sorry, just imagine me preaching powerfully, dripping sweat, and all that good stuff.
i love your stinking guts, peace out
Elder buma